Monday, June 18, 2012

Starting Over

Graduation has come and gone. Where am I currently sitting? In an old office building that is home to DiFrancesco Insurance Agency. My Mondays through Thursdays this summer will be spent here as I try to save money and regroup for the fall. Many people might have seen my Grad School Insider blog. Oh yeah, FANTASTIC idea! I had everything ready to go and then *flop*. No money. I'm currently not in any type of debt and don't plan to be. So I decided to take another road and save up. Dr. G told me a lot of grad school people are in their 30's anyways. So I've got some time.

Still running. The treadmills at World Gym probably hate me by now, but hopefully my weekends will be filled with Otis runs still. Miss those dirt roads. It still hasn't hit me that Chuck will no longer be texting to ask for my training log or tell me which freshman has been having stellar workouts. No more dread as preseason inches closer and closer and three LONG overnights in the Champagne dorms loom. It's an odd feeling, but the more I settle back into life at home, the more I realize that I"m actually glad it's gone. I loved X-Country, but it was to that point where I'd had my "run" with it and have to move on to it as a recreational sport. I'm not complaining about track being done. I literally had three 10k's in 3 weeks and managed to get my time down by almost a minute, then by another 10 seconds the third time I ran it.

So here I am. Just returned home from Pittsburgh with Paul and his dad and brother. And his brother, who works for Google, gave me a fantastic idea. We were talking about all my old journals because I was trying to write during our drive home. He told me I should take the pages, starting from my tattered, dog eared second grade journal up to my most recent pages and memories. I'll probably mix them in together and treat them more as parts of a longer memoir I hope to write. But I hope people laugh and find some of these old pages as interesting as I did when I went back through them. And, stay tuned, I have more nonfiction pieces to post!!

So that's really it. I hope to keep on the ball this summer with my writing. It gets a little hard sometimes since I do keep my hand written journal still. If I had a better scanner then I'd be able to just scan stuff in. All in due time.

So keep an eye peeled for those eventual old journals!!

Jasper says "hey"

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