I really don't have much to write about today...
It was a quiet weekend. I possibly came up with a new story/book concept but it needs some serious hashing out before I begin my foray into the world of fiction.
I had my stress test last week. What an experience that was. My heart rate never got over 173, although I felt like I was really tired and light headed. Apparently I was fine. I went for 17 minutes, which I was informed was one of the longest times in their office. I'm so stupidly competitive though that I wanted to try and hit the 20 minute mark that two other runners had requested to hit a while ago. My mom was in the corner laughing when I asked them why they stopped the machine. This is why I'm always hurt. I wouldn't want to do another stress test again though. I am the slowest walker on planet Earth, most likely. So walking, uphill, for 12-15 minutes, was NOT my idea of a good time.
And that wasn't even the end of the whole ordeal. I had to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours right after. That meant no shower and no "real" clothes. Sweats alllllll day. The no shower thing was really annoying especially due to the fact that I sweat an obscene amount no matter what I'm doing. Embarrassing.
So I spent my day, reading, on the couch. Sean came by later to get froyo and watch a ridiculous episode of South Park ("Sarcastaball"). My love of football made me laugh even the next day when I just thought about it.
I removed the monitor Friday morning and I'm pretty sure China heard me yowling in the bathroom when I tried to rip the tape off. For some reason, the nurse put X's over each of the little stickies. Actually, I KNOW why she did it and it was just protocol. Doesn't make any less excruciating the next day. The X's were mostly just to keep them from falling off when I slept. But they itched like no other and then took pieces of skin with them when I finally tore them off. OW. I shudder to think of it right now.
BUT...and here's the silver lining...The nurses said my stress test looked very normal and my heart warmed up and cooled down "beautifully" (their word choice, not mine). So I left there feeling a little more confident and positive. I haven't received any immediate phone calls about my holter results. So...until then, life looks a little more sunny. Although they did say my Bradycardia could pose a problem in the future if my heart rate continues to drop. Then I'll need a pacemaker.
I think it just stopped beating at the pure dread I feel toward an impending surgery.
I am a doctor's worst nightmare. Seriously.
I'll try for a more interesting/exciting/colorful post either end of this week or next week :)
I'm going to try running again today too. Someone tell me how taking a week off causes my adductors to seize up and be angry like they were last year? They had a break from running and they hurt MORE.
Doctor/PT's WORST nightmare. I really wasn't kidding.
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