Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dream Analysis

I really started wondering the past few days about analyzing my dreams. I've had some doosies lately. But the one tat ALWAYS bugs me, is how my teeth fall out. Some girl in my class last night said that dreams where your teeth fall out signal an instability in your life. Well, that's spot on. I'm a senior in college. I'm unstable. I don't know where I'm going with my life.

Ok...so I looked stuff up and it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Internet dream dictionaries that are free probably aren't the best things to look into. But in further regards, what the hell was I thinking to have some of the dreams that I do? Like when I was 4 or 5,  had a dream that a giant, rainbow, tap dancing fish in a top hat ate my entire family. then we sat in a completely white room and had a chat. Explain that. I had a realistic dream of being chased up a tree in the jungle by a cheetah and I felt and watched it tear me apart and eat me. That one woke me ups creaming when I was 6. I've had dreams where I've gotten out of bed and ran to the bathroom in college to start brushing my teeth and get ready for class, only to see it is 2:15a.m. and my roommate has just gone to sleep. I was staying at Paul's and made him get up to knock on the bathroom door ebcause I thought someone was in there. No one was. So he grudgingly gets up, opens the door for me and goes back to bed. I looked inside and went back to bed, never using the bathroom. That was another weird one. And I didn't actually remember it the next day. He reminded me and then I remembered. I have colorful, wild dreams that rush and fly around. I was riding horses through a giant lollipop forest with the Harry Potter cast. I just don't even know where some of these things come from. Either I'm crazy or creative. I wish some of this creativity would bust out when I'm writing.

I'm tired, but can't sleep. I have a workout today. I want today and tomorrow to be over so I can go home Thursday and get a little change of scenery.

 I also miss this goofball.

 Scenery shots from Otis mid-June

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