Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Swimmer's Ear?!?!

Well, it's after Labor Day aka summer is over.

I just answered the phone at the office and one of my dad's more animated clients (I seriously think she plans an opening monologue to unleash as soon as I finish saying "Good Morning"), actually made a startling comment about the upcoming election and the dire need for jobs. She said something along the lines of how I am lucky to have a job when so many college kids come out with nothing. She's right. And for a moment, I felt content and happy with where I am. And then, I panicked. Mostly because I can't seem to find a job anywhere else. My resume is continually rejected without the common courtesy of a reply that the company even RECEIVED it. Yeah. Insert a "McCayla is NOT impressed" stand here.


In other news, I watched Mean Girls last night and my mom informed me that Jack finally had a sex ed class and he said that he knew everything they were talking about because he learned it from Mean Girls. He then continued on to spell Chlamydia - K-L-A. I laughed, of course. Texted Mike, who apparently broke out into peals of laughter in front of a group of random people on his way to pump some iron at the UConn gym. It's the little things sometimes.

And I FINALLY went to the doctor for my earaches.
Swimmer's Ear. Because I'm SUCH an avid and talented swimmer. NOT.
I somehow contracted it and I wasn't sure how. Then, lightbulb! When I am on the treadmill, everyone knows how I sweat more than your over-sized elephant in the desert. The result is that I often get pools of nasty sweat in my ears. It drips in behind my headphones, which I always wear to keep myself from dying of boredom. Bingo - Swimmer's Ear du jour. So, now I have these alcohol drops that I have to put in both ears every few hours. My life sometimes.

I have nothing else to say.

The Giants are playing tonight. My fall ritual of being glued to the television and cheering for my G-Men has resumed. I'm not complaining about the endless hours of television or commercials I shall screen.

Oh and I'm going back up to Otis with Jack on Friday. We're just perpetuating the inevitable end of summer. But really.

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