Monday, October 10, 2011


So I'm back. Pittsburgh was AWESOME. The flight freaked me out, but I knew that would happen. I was moved to an Express plane. So it only took an hour to get there. Thursday night we went to Piccolo Forno, a really nice Italian place. Homemade gnocchi!!!!! haha Paul's housemates, Rick and Kim were the ones that found it and brought us. They have excellent taste. Kim had just gotten back from Hawaii too. I can only imagine how exhausted she was. I was finally introduced to Bailey and Ophelia, the dog and cat who constantly spend their time in Paul's room. They're both wicked adorable. We made a Walmart run because I needed a razor and shaving cream. There was a sale on Halloween candy and I couldn't resist. hahahaha. Paul will be eating what's left for weeks. Maybe.

Friday, Paul had work. So we made breakfast, I took a nap (spooning with Bailey, obviously. He's a big cuddlebug) and did some homework. Health Services called to continue my heart saga. Wednesday night I had to go in because they told me I had abnormalities on my EKG and they sent it out to be read. I was freaking out. Then on Thursday, my office at home compared it to my old one and found some of the same abnormalities. So I felt better knowing I was just weird and not dying. Then, Friday, Health Services called me back to tell me that actually, no, there were some differences and I needed to get double checked. Freaking out again. I shoved it back and tried to just enjoy Pittsburgh. I would make my appointment when I got home they told me. So I laced up the shoes and went for a run around Pittsburgh. I actually ran to Paul's work, re^2. HUGE hill. Coming back up it was NOT fun. haha. I got in 9.5 miles, mostly hills. But Paul saw me when I ran down there and he whistled. I didn't turn around right away so this guy washing his car started laughing and goes, "See! She thought it was me!" I showered and lay down for a little while with Ophelia until Paul came home. He was tired so we bought Bridesmaids, Rock brought home Taco Bell and we spent the night laughing.

Saturday was ZOO DAY! Pittsburgh Zoo. We had fun. Paul said he'd never been to one before and just wanted to see the tigers. They had so many flamingos and elephants though! And at the end, a mini donkey and a camel. Kangaroos too. We explored the Strip District after and tried getting lunch at the famous Primanti's, but the line wrapped around the block so we ate at a grille around the block and wandered around looking at everything. It was a beautiful day too. We went in a Halloween Costume store and they had the Rosie the Robot costume from the Jetsons. I tried it on, but the arms sleeves were a little big for me. :( I loved it though. It was a good exploring day though. We went to South Side for dinner at Fatheads (the number 2 restaurant in Pittsburgh) with Rick and Kim. I could tell why. Everything was really, really good. New favorite restaurant. and they had a few different hard ciders and upstairs, all these micro brews that you could put in a "make-your-own-six pack". It was just a really fun place. We watched TV when we got home and Bailey laid all over everyone. Love him! haha It was an early night though. Everyone was exhausted.

Sunday was sad. Beautiful weather again though. Breuggers for bagels, which is becoming a tradition on the days I have to leave :/ I love driving around with Paul though. It had been so long since we'd seen each other too. I'm hoping he can make it to Regionals around November 11th and we can stay in Rochester afterward. Saying goodbye sucked :( But the Pitt airport distracted me with how crowded it was. It took me an hour to just get to my gate. I took a quick nap once I got home and then ran 11 miles for my long run. So tired. Driving back to school was NOT fun.

And today, I had my echo cardiogram done. I guess they said I'm fine. The stickies were just put on differently and that created the differences. I'm freaking out now though because I need to figure out my classes for next year :/ I only have 9 credits and I need 12 to be a full time student. I need to just find a fun filler class, but I'm struggling a bit. haha

Some peektures!!!
 Ophelia :)

 the amount of Koi fish was ABSOLUTELY OFF THE WALL INSANE! haha

 Got him to touch it! haha
 Polar bear stuffed animal puppet that ate the camera

 Paul was imitating the camel chewing hahaha

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