Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Horse slaughter legalized for human consumption

This makes me SO mad. Not only did he promise in his campaign to END horse slaughter, but it could raise taxes in some areas. Furthermore, the article says how 70% of Americans are against horse slaughter. Who will be eating this meat? And what about clean-up and everything that comes with this process? It just is awful.  I feel like he passed over this without enough consideration. I'm not HUGE on politics, but I do know a little about horse slaughter. I'm against it. But also, why do we need to eat horses? We already have cows, chickens, pigs, and God knows what else. I just don't understand the whole "for human consumption" aspect of this. Even if I wasn't a horse lover, I don't think I'd want to eat one. I barely like eating cow or pig. I just needed to vent that out.


  1. Horses were available for human consumption previously in the US, and it really just meant the meat was being shipped overseas to countries where horse meat is consumed. I'm actually thrilled that they have decided to re-open US slaughterhouses. After they closed in 2006(or was it 2007? I can't recall), the amount of horses who were
    a) shipped to Canada or Mexico in conditions so deplorable that they often arrived at the slaughterhouse severely injured or trampled to death, to meet HORRIFIC deaths because the facilities weren't equipped to slaughter horses, they were equipped to slaughter cows, which DOESN'T work on horses.
    b) Tied up to trees in state forests by people who couldn't afford to feed them, or left to starve in their pastures - euthanasia is expensive on a lot of levels: you have to pay the vet, and then you have to somehow get rid of the horse. I suppose that people could just shoot their horses once they can't take care of them. (I'm not saying that to be a smart ass, just suggesting that might be a cheap alternative to euthanasia).

    I know it's not fun to think about these wonderful creatures being slaughtered for meat, but at least if it's on our soil, there can be some regulation and more humane conditions. It's going to happen somewhere no matter what, and I think that if we can make it a little less horrible for them through horse-specific slaughter procedures, it's not an altogether bad thing.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the whole thing.

  2. Agreed with it being done anyways. I was talking to someone else about this and I was just curious about the whole taxes situation and how this process will be smoothed out to actually work. I got the impression that Obama signed it hastily. And like i said, I'm not a huge fan of horse slaughter. It's awful to think about. I do, however, understand the necessity of it. The whole situation made me feel really uncomfortable. I guess I'd just want to hear more details about what EXACTLY this new bill will do.
