Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Brief Break Comes to an End

Sooo...I went home Monday and ran around getting stuff done. I met Emily Tuesday morning at Blue Colony Diner. It was great to finally catch up on everything. We hadn't seen each other in nearly 6 years. She's living on her own now, has her own apartment and is taking classes as well as working as a nanny. So major props to her. I think we may try and catch up again over Christmas break. We're going to go to Triple Play and check out the SJS gym. She hasn't seen it yet! Mikey came in Tuesday night too. Mom and Dad picked him up around 2 at Bradley. Had some tallboy cans ready for him haha Tried to run and my leg HURT. Oh my God. It was my quad. There's knots all along it. I need to get it worked out completely and then slowly get back to running. I'm just so pissed about all this. Another indoor season down the tubes. Sucks.

Wednesday morning I got up and showered and then went out to my Aunt's PT place. She worked out some of the knots. They still hurt. Grrr. She had worked on them the night before too. Paul called me to tell me he had made it in alright, but he booked the wrong flight to get back to Pitt. He somehow booked a 6:20 a.m. flight for Saturday morning O_O He was NOT happy. Fran stopped by Wednesday night too. He showed me his new tat. Silly kid. It looked pretty legit though. We'll have to hang out more over Christmas. Thanksgiving break is such a tease because it's so short. Any visits are short and they're mainly to line up visits for later in the year. I talked to Paul, who made fun of me for sleeping with my 5 foot stuffed bear (HA!) and then passed out super early.

Thursday was Thanksgiving! Paul and his Dad drove down. Lisa outdid herself on the food. Her mashed potatoes are always my favorite. They're MORE than mashed potatoes. They're like a dish of heavenly awesomeness. Paul took Jack outside to show him this new RC helicopter thing. And then I went back up to the lake with him afterward so I could spend Friday with him. We tried watching Elf, but his DVD player wasn't exactly working. I fell asleep with my contacts in, despite him trying to wake me up so I'd go take them out. I didn't even eat turkey, so no idea WHY I was so tired.

Friday was a lazy morning. We went for brunch at the Farmington River Diner. That's our sort-of tradition. haha. We tried finding pumpkins that were being discarded so that we could use them as targets. His Dad said we could go up to High Rise and shoot at some old glass bottles and pumpkins. So fun. I just tried out a smaller one that was a step up from a bebe (sp?) gun. He let me try one of the more aggressive ones, but held my arms so I wouldn't totally hurt myself. haha. We had fun though. It was just for an hour. We made it back in time to get sunset pictures too. Paul fell in the mud trying to explore. The sunset was beautiful too. I got him to watch Hidalgo with me. hahaha. It was a fun night. We just joked around. It was very relaxed. There was nothing to worry about.

Until....4:30 a.m. wake up to drive to Bradley!!! I drove and got him there for 5:30-ish. I hate saying goodbye though. It was so early and dark. I made it home by 6:20. Could NOT fall asleep. I drove Jack to practice, read a magazine, wrote...yup....booooring.

Paul sent me home with his Christmas gift to me because he didn't want me to have to carry it on the plane. So it's in the living room, not to be opened until Christmas morning. I miss him. We were supposed to go tag our tree this weekend...probably not happening.

Can I fast forward through this week and just be at December 8th and on my way home???? Pleaseeee Ugh. And I thought that my classes on December 8th would go until 6...nope. Done by 9:30 a.m. I can get unpacked and situated for Pittsburgh. Another trip since I won't be seeing him for Christmas. :(

"Travel is in your future" Thanks you fortune cookie. haha

Pictures from the weekend

 Paul thought he was the Paparazzi haha


 Potentially bad idea, but clearly SO excited

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