Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10K Tackled

So I haven't written in a few days. The week got a little hectic and my laptop crashed, sort of. I had to bring it home Friday morning and it ended up having 29 viruses on it. Yeah, my life. But Rich managed to fix it as best he could. Hopefully it can limp along through senior year. But like he said, he can remove the viruses, but the damage is done. It stinks. I'm just happy he didn't have to completely remove my word files and photos because I had school work that I need. Especially all my Creative writing documents. Oye.

Onto track. Training was a little hairy for a while. After the stress fracture scare, I took it easier in the sense I mixed in a treadmill run and went to Brian every day. So painful. He literally made me want to cry whenever he pressed on it. Icing felt amazing. So I went home Friday and ran with my high school team, sort of. More like I ran my 6 mile pre-race run and then met up with them during practice. I found out my coach, Mr. Walker resigned literally as I was out on my run. It was a disrespect issue. some of the kids, I won't name names, can be so disrespectful. He has a lot of teenagers to keep in line and train and he's a one man show. They give him no respect or help. It's all me, me, me. I used to get mad because I wanted to run more and he kept my mileage low, but I knew he was looking out for me. He was a great coach. I don't think I would have been prepared for Marist running if it weren't for him. It's just sad that 3 kids manage to ruin it for the group. A lot of the kids were quitting on the spot because he was leaving. I guess the problems started in winter track. My brother was especially upset. :/

I went to Otis Friday night to meet Paul. I only saw him two weeks ago, but it was still really nice to see him. He gave me a big hug and we mostly sat and talked when I first got there. He was coming to the meet with me the next day so we went to sleep early.

Saturday --> 10k at UMass Amherst!!!!! We left early and got there no problems. We were almost tooo early. and I thought the race was actually supposed to be later because no one was getting ready or attempting to get ready. My parents watched along with my aunt and uncle. It was really nice of them to come cheer. It gave me more incentive to keep going when I got an awful chest cramp about halfway in. I stuck it out for 4 more laps and it eventually went away. But yeah. I'm an idiot and forgot to take my inhaler before the race. Completely forgot. I made it though. My time was a minute slow. So I was mad about that. But I won by almost 3 laps, I think. I also qualified for ECAC's. I just need to see what kind of shape I'm in by then. If the weather keeps up this garbage about being 82 degrees in April, then the treadmill is going to have a new best friend. Seriously. I went back up to Otis with Paul afterwards and Patty was there working on her dock. It was SUCH a nice day. I was bummed I couldn't enjoy it more because I was so tired. I promised Chuck I wouldn't overdo it the next day and give my legs a chance to rebound. So I mostly hung out at my house with my parents for a little while, went to the barn with Paul to play with the excavator, and then watched him help Patty move something for her raft. It was getting cold by then. Once that sun goes down up there....I love it, but I think I was just so tired that my body was shot. We went to dinner and then to Westfield State with Seth. Taught some girls how to play Asshole and then one of the boys at the table decided he wanted to learn all of our names. He kept forgetting mine and somehow came up with Adrian. I figured that was close enough seeing as my full name is Adriana. So I was Adrian for the rest of the night. Amusing. It was fun hanging out with Seth. I hadn't seen him in over a month. He seems to be doing pretty well and his track team seems like a fun bunch. I fell into bed with my clothes on when I got home because I was so tired. I didn't want to move. Paul woke me up because he knew my contacts were in and I'm pretty sure he just didn't want to hear me complaining about my eyes the next day. haha

Sunday I got up and went to see Cheryl! We talked about work for the summer. I told her I thought it would be a GREAT idea to get a soft serve machine and then realized that I'd be the one cleaning it and always smelling like spoiled milk. Yup. I still think it'd be fun. ha. I ask for it. Paul and I cleaned his car when we got back. I vacuumed the inside, threw out garbage and then armoralled it for him. Very nice. I think we're going to have car cleaning parties this summer. My new car is going to be immaculate at all times. I can already tell I'm going to be neurotic about keeping it clean 24/7. So when he wants to wax his car or vacuum the inside, I'll be the first to offer my company. ha. I let him read my Reckoning Essay. It was about him, mostly, and our relationship. I thought he was going to hate me because I really just went outside the box and used full on honesty in every situation. It's raw and tough to handle in some spots. but it was the truth and I think he was ok with how I ended it, on the way he leaves me post-it notes in my room to hunt for after he leaves. Or I randomly find them in notebooks with little notes saying things like "I love you". Saying goodbye was tough. I don't think I'll see him again until formal and that's over 3 weeks away. :( And for Easter, I'm racing Princeton that Friday night. I'm trying to convince my parents to drive me down and back so I don't have to stay in Fulton by myself on Friday night because we'd be getting back late. It also means I can't leave early for Easter break. I dunno. Frustrating. I wish Paul would be home for Easter because we're in Greenfield that Sunday and I would stop in on the way back through to say "hi", maybe even go see a movie with him on the Saturday before. We were just talking how we don't go see movies anymore and we used to go ALL THE TIME. It's just funny how your life can get so busy and out of control that you want those quiet moments and sitting on a deck watching the lake seems like the perfect thing to do.

We picked out housing for next year. It seems really nice and it's  little shorter walk to class which is always a plus. Mike got into UConn for Engineering. So my whole family is a little happier. He still has to choose between that, Embry Riddle, and RIT. But I think he'll really love UConn. And if he decided he doesn't like engineering, then he always has other majors. And it's a lot cheaper. More bang for your buck.

All is pretty good here. I'm just trying to survive this last month. My shins/ankles are kind of a mess. but I jsut have Princeton and then MAACs left. Definitely a rebuilding season this year :/

 Credit to Erin O'Reilly for this great shot. 10k.

 Looking super cool in shades. hahaha. It was realllly sunny though



 Aquaturf from last week for Mike's dinner.

Family shot at Aquaturf

We can pretend to like each other pretty well! hahaha

And congrats to Isaiah for qualifying for Junior Nationals in the 10k! I had fun running with all the Marist boys. It was a nice way to start off my first 10k in a year. Glad they combined it.

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